Friday, May 6, 2011

Rio De Jeneiro Carnival - Brazil

I am going to introduce a one of the best and famous festival in the world. This famous well known festival is Rio Carnival. You may think Samba when you hear a word “carnival.” Besides, you may hear “Samba Dance.” Samba dance is from Rio Carnival so Rio Carnival is also called "Samba Festival.” The origin of carnival came from Latin, carne vale which means "meat, stop.” 

Rio Carnival is held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in between the end of February and the first of March for 4 days. During these 4 days, the festival does not stop even night. This festival is biggest festival in the world. So there are some samba schools. Anyway, the core of festival is Samba Parade. There is a huge place that does Samba Parade. Rio Carnival is like a contest of samba. Many teams resister and participate this festival. Around 4 thousand people are in one team and they parade around 90minutes. They show their dance and performance. The panels of judges judge their parade and they choose winner. Participants prepare their parade 1year for just this festival. They parade in sambodromo which is main stadium and can accommodate about 70 thousand people. Over 60000 visitors come to Brazil to enjoy the Rio Carnival.

Rio Carnival was not big from first. Until the first of 1930, it was just a normal street festival. After that Samba schools was established and they parade as each school and it develop such as this biggest festival.

                                                          Old Rio Carnival

When you watch or hear Rio Carnival through TV or media, the participants and people who dance in the carnival look all happy. Now days Rio carnival is always happy and everybody enjoy it. Did you know that Rio carnival was from their painful history? Samba was started by Africans who were brought by Portuguese. Portuguese drive out native Indian who lived in south America and they planted sugar cane in huge ground and they needed slave and many slaves were taken to South America to work. African missed their hometown and starving and hard working made them tired. They were free only during lent time because Portuguese permitted to rest only lent time. It was only time that they could stress out and tired so that they were dancing and singing. Therefore, Rio Ceremony was mixed with lent ceremony form and African’s traditional percussion instruments and dancing. We should know the origin of festival in short.

As Baseball or basketball or festival, it has big difference between watching through TV and participating in there. Especially, Samba festival is. It is impossible to explain by writing. You will feel and understand when you go there and see with your eyes and listen with your ears and shake your body together. You may like and out of control the delight.
                                                          Rio Carnival

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